“i carry your heart with me (I carry it in my heart)”
All experiences have connection at their root - while playing with vast variety of disciplines, methodologies and technologies. Programmes are unique concoctions of the ingredients and resources available and all are designed to create the conditions for you to access to your own depth harnessed with essential skills and knowledge.
Depth: creativity, power, love, wisdom and reconnection to self
Skills: a diverse range of practical skills, modalities & tools for facilitating transformation - including coaching, facilitation, improvisation, group dynamics, intuition & experience design.
Knowledge: ancient spiritual wisdom and modern scientific frameworks of human development
To "facilitate" means to "make easy". When training facilitators, Ilana empowers the capacities and capabilities of facilitation through some basic concepts.
- We are profoundly interconnected
- Evolving is an ongoing process
- Creativity wants to live through us
- We can create meaning
- The way through is inwards
- Stories can shape our reality
- Nature knows better
- Presence is where magic lives
- Compassion, wonder and attention are extraordinary gifts